Preoptumor Embolisation for Hyper Vascular Tumors, Venous Hemangioma

Preoperative Embolization for Hypervascular Tumors Preoperative embolization is a useful adjunctive procedure for improving surgical outcomes and reducing complications in patients with hypervascular spinal tumors. It is used to reduce intraoperative blood loss, making surgery safer.



Preoperative Tumor Embolization for Hyper Vascular Tumors and Venous Hemangioma

Preoperative tumor embolization is a medical procedure used to reduce blood flow to hyper vascular tumors, such as venous hemangiomas or other highly vascularized lesions, before surgical removal. This technique helps minimize blood loss during surgery and improve the surgical outcome.


  • Venoms Hemangioma
  • AVM (Arteriovenous Malformation)
  • AVF (Arteriovenous Fistula)
  • Renal AML (Renal Angiomyolipoma)
  • JNF (Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma)
  • Hepatic Hemangioma


1. Minimally Invasive
2. Discharge Next Day : Early Recovery
3. Reduced Infection Risk
4. No Scar/Cuts
5. Safe


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